19th October, 2016

Annual Dinner 2016

This years’ Annual Dinner celebrated its 10th anniversary. Held at the Grand Central Hotel, Glasgow- where else in the country would a ceilidh theme go down so well? We are delighted to announce that the evening generated over £52,000!

The night was full of fun with some great entertainment, including a ceilidh band, magician and live auction. BAM Nuttall played a huge part in making the evening such a success. They went above and beyond as headline sponsor! Regular guests from all across the rail industry attended, including the charity’s Gold Sponsor, Abellio, as well as some new and exciting charity supporters.

It was great so see so many out in force (adorned with kilts!) and join in the fundraising.

© 2025 Railway Benefit Fund. Founded in 1858 - Incorporated by Royal Charter in 1949.