1st October, 2024

Make a Will Month

Date: 1st October, 2024 - 31st October, 2024

We are providing a free will writing service for the rail industry this October, kindly supported by Railpen, available to both current and retired railway workers and their families. We have teamed up with will writing service Bequeathed to offer this service, which gives users the option to create their will online or over the phone. Both services will provide a consultation with a solicitor to finalise the will.

Writing a will is the only way to ensure your final wishes for your estate are fulfilled. It is a chance to remember people and causes you care about in life. A clearly written will also avoids unnecessary confusion and stress for loved ones at an already difficult time.

Research gathered by insurance company Royal London has found that 54% of UK adults don’t have a will, and 5.4 million people have no idea how to make one. If you die without making a will, your estate will be divided based on laws out of your control and your wishes may not be carried out. But if you have made a will, or amended an existing one using the proper processes, then you are in control of what happens when you are no longer here.

While you’re making your will, it’s a good time to let your pension scheme know who you’d like your pension benefits to go to if you die; your will won’t cover this.

Creating your free will can be done in four simple steps:

  1. Complete the online will interview, with support and guidance available throughout the process.
  2. Receive automated legal advice in the form of recommendations, and sometimes requirements, from Bequeathed’s Solicitor.
  3. Book a legal appointment to discuss any of these in more detail. Or, if a free basic will is suitable for you, choose the convenience of receiving it without an appointment.
  4. Receive your will with a Letter of Advice summarising the advice you’ve been given, along with instructions on signing and witnessing your will correctly.

*If for any reason you are unable to access the internet or need support to complete your free will, please get in touch with us on 0345 241 2885 or email us.

Kindly supported by Railpen

© 2025 Railway Benefit Fund. Founded in 1858 - Incorporated by Royal Charter in 1949.