RBF sign the Railway Mental Health Charter
The Railway Benefit Fund is proud to announce that we have recently signed the Railway Mental Health Charter (RMHC.) Signing the charter is a commitment from us to improve mental wellbeing in our organisation and in the wider industry. We are delighted that our fellow railway charity the Railway Mission have also signed the RMHC.
The RMHC has been designed for rail, and co-developed with the rail industry, to support organisations efforts in improving mental wellbeing. The charter was developed by Lee Woolcott-Ellis, Mental Health Lead Manager at Southeastern Railway and RBF Ambassador. Lee said:
“The mental health charter for the railway industry is a framework, delivered through key action steps, that have been formed to lead, advise, and underpin organisational efforts to create awareness, support positive mental health and provide access to support services whilst reducing stigma in the workplace.”