RSP announce RBF as Charity of the Year
Rail Signalling & Power (RSP) have announced that the Railway Benefit Fund will be their charity of the year for 2023.
RSP is a manufacturing SME based in Cornwall. Founded in 2018, the company specialises in the detailed design and build of electrical and electronic housings predominantly for railway signalling and electrification and plant applications.
Andy Jones, Operations Director at RSPOur staff have always been involved in doing some charity work but a couple of years ago we decided to formally appoint a chosen charity each year so that we could combine our efforts to make more of an impact. This year we chose RBF, the fantastic and broad range of support they offer across the entire rail sector means this is the best way for us to help past, present, and future colleagues who work in our industry
RSP plan to host several fundraising events for RBF throughout the year. Business Owners Andy Billson and Andy Jones took on the Plymouth Run on 14th May and raised £250!
Thank you RSP for choosing us and we look forward to working with you this year!