11th July, 2023

Thank you to CSIS 

We are delighted to announce that the CSIS Charity Fund, an independent charity dedicated to helping civil and public servants and their families get through tough periods in their life, has made a generous £25,000 donation to support RBF’s work. 

The Civil Service Insurance Society was founded in 1890 to enable civil servants to purchase life assurance to protect their widows and orphans. They offer Home, Motor and Travel insurance products to all serving, retired and former civil and public servants and partners.   

The Society has no shareholders, but accounts to members drawn from within its public sector audience. CSIS maintains a ‘Not for Profit’ status, and so after meeting the expenses of carrying on the business, donates all available annual surplus to deserving charities within the Civil and Public Service through the CSIS Charity Fund. In the last five years CSIS has donated over £3.6m  

The primary role of the Charity Fund is to support civil and public service charities. Full details of the many organisations supported by the Charity Fund, which includes the RBF, can be seen on their website.

CSIS sets great store in the provision of quality insurance products and a close personal relationship between the client and CSIS team. The CSIS office is based in Maidstone and is dedicated to trust and fairness when looking after their customers.  

© 2025 Railway Benefit Fund. Founded in 1858 - Incorporated by Royal Charter in 1949.